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Hidden dangers to open fire, prevention is better than disaster relief - Changzhou Tongtai organization full fire safety training ended successfully

Winter is the season of frequent fires, and November is the national fire safety month. In order to improve the fire safety awareness of all employees and carry out various forms of fire safety training, the company organized all employees to carry out fire safety training and drills on the afternoon of November 14.

First, all the people were organized to watch a video about how to save themselves when the fire broke out. Then all employees receive fire safety knowledge training. In the final prize-winning session, employees rushed to answer.

The field fire drill was the last link of the training. Under the strong and orderly arrangement of the chairman of the trade union, the employees of various departments launched the fire fighting competition intensely. After the fire drill was completed, the fire fighting time was ranked and awarded.
The event focused on results and informality. All employees received a fire safety education in the entertainment.


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